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Recent Writing.


Download CV and List of Publications


Authored Books


Schrier, K. (2021). We the Gamers: How Games Teach Ethics & Civics. Oxford University Press





See more about using games for connection, care, and compassion!

The Future of Games, Ethics, and Empathy

How We Can Use Games to Understand Others Better

Pushing the Boundaries of Digital Games

Connecting Across Worlds: How Empathy and Play Can Support Connection

Using Games to Support Empathy: Pros and Cons

How Games Can Bring Humanity Closer

20 Empathy Games






Schrier, K. (2016). Knowledge games: How playing games can solve problems, create insight, and make change. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.


See more about Knowledge Games!

The New Scientist

Times Higher Education

ACM Learn Magazine


Edited Books


Schrier, K., Kowert, R., Leonard, D., & Porkka-Konturri, T. (2024). Learning, education & games vol. 4: 50 games for inclusion, equity, and justice. Pittsburgh, PA: ETC Press (Carnegie Mellon).


Schrier, K. (Ed.) (2019) Learning, education & games vol. 3: 100 Games to Use in the Classroom and Beyond. Pittsburgh, PA: ETC Press (Carnegie Mellon).


Schrier, K. (Ed.) (2016). Learning, education & games vol. 2: Bringing games into educational contexts. Pittsburgh, PA: ETC Press (Carnegie Mellon).


Schrier, K. (Ed.) (2014). Learning, education & games vol. 1: Curricular and design considerations. Pittsburgh, PA: ETC Press (Carnegie Mellon).


Schrier, K. and Gibson, D. (Eds.) (2011). Designing games for ethics: Models, techniques and frameworks. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


Schrier, K. and Gibson, D. (Eds.) (2010). Ethics and game design: Teaching values through play. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


Selected Whitepapers


Schrier, K. (2019). Designing Ourselves: Identity, Bias, Empathy, and Game Design, ADL Whitepaper


Schrier, K. & ADL Education (2018). ADL Mini-Guide to Identity, Bias, and Games.


Farber, M. & Schrier, K. (2017). The strengths and limitations of using digital games as “empathy machines,” working paper for the UNESCO MGIEP (Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development.


Selected Journal Articles


Schrier, K. (2021). The Ethics of Knowledge Games. Five Emerging Questions About Games that Support Citizen Science. Gamevironments. December 2021.


Schrier, K. (2021). Spreading Learning through Fake News Games. Gamevironments. December 2021


Farber, M. & Schrier, K. (2021) Beyond Winning: A Situational Analysis of Two Digital Autobiographical Games. Game Studies. December 2021

Schrier, K. & Farber, M. (2021). A systematic literature review of ‘empathy’ and ‘games.’ Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds. November 2021.


Anderson, S. & Schrier, K. (2021). Disability and Video Games Journalism: A Discourse Analysis of Accessibility and Gaming Culture. Games and Culture. July 2021.


Schrier, K. (2019). Reducing bias through gaming. G/A/M/E Journal. April 2019.


Portnoy, L. & Schrier, K. (2019). Using Games to Support STEM Curiosity, Identity, and Self-Efficacy, The Journal of Games, Society, and Self, March 2019.


Schrier, K. (2018). Using games to solve real-world civic problems: Early insights and design principles. The Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education. Vol. 10, No. 1.


Schrier, K. (2017). Designing games for real-world moral problem solving. Games & Culture. Online on May 31, 2017.


Schrier, K. (2017). Designing role-playing video games for ethical thinking. Educational Technology Research and Development. 65(4): 831-868


Schrier, K. (2017). Designing learning with citizen science and games. Journal of Emerging Learning Design. 4(1). 


Schrier, K. (2015). EPIC: A framework for using video games for ethics education. Journal of Moral Education. 44(4): 393-424


Schrier, K. (2015). Ethical thinking and sustainability in Fable III. Simulation & Gaming. 46(6): 673-696.


Schrier, K. (2014). The weird humanity of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Well-Played. ETC Press (Carnegie Mellon).


Schrier, K. (2012). Avatar gender and ethical thinking in Fable III. Bulletin of Science, Technology, and Society. Sage Publications. October 2012, (32) 5, 375-383.


Selected Conference Articles

Schrier, K., Ohu, E., Bodunde, I, Babatunde, A, Alugo, M., & Emami, C. (2021). Piloting a Game Jam in Nigeria to Support Empathy and Compassion. Proceedings of ACM Game Jams, Hackathons, and Game Creation Events (ICGJ).


Schrier, K. & Farber, M. (2019). Open questions for empathy and games. Proceedings of Connected Learning Conference ’18, ETC Press, Boston, MA.


Schrier, K. (2017). What’s in a Name? Naming games that solve real-world problems. Proceedings of the Foundations of Digital Games ’17, ACM Digital Library, Cape Cod, MA.


Schrier, K. & Gibson, D. (2011). Using games to prepare ethical educators. In M. Koehler & P. Mishra (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2011. (pp. 1372-1379). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.


Schrier, K., Gibson, D., Shaenfield, D., Simkins, D. & Zagal, J. (2011). Teaching ethics through gaming environments: Design, development and research perspectives. In M. Koehler & P. Mishra (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2011 (pp. 2238-2241). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.


Zagal, J., Sicart, M., and Schrier, K. (2009). Workshop: Ethics in games. Digra 2009.


Schrier, K. (2006). Using augmented reality games to teach 21st century skills. Proceedings of ACM Siggraph 2006, Boston, MA.


Selected Book Chapters (see also more in the books listed above)


Ethics, Empathy, and Compassion

Schrier, K. (2021). Using Games for Empathy, Compassion, and Care. In D. Seelow (Ed.), Teaching in the Game-Based Classroom: Practical Lessons for Grades 6-12, Routledge.


Schrier, K. (2021). How do we teach ethics and empathy through games? In André Weßel (Ed.), Ethics in Digital Game Cultures, Springer.


Wendorf Muhamad, J., Schrier, K., & Huse, L-K. (2020). Facilitating communicative environments: An exploration of game modalities as facilitators of prosocial change. In. M. Filimowicz & V. Tzankova, Reimagining Communication, Mediation, Volume 4, New York, NY: Routledge.

Schrier, K. (2015). Emotion, empathy and ethical thinking in Fable III. In S. Tettegah & W. Huang (Eds.) Emotion, Technology, and Games. New York, NY: Elvesier.


Schrier, K. & Shaenfield, D. (2015). Collaboration and emotion in Way. In S. Tettegah & W. Huang (Eds.) Emotion, Technology, and Games. New York, NY: Elvesier.


Schrier, K. (2014) “Trade-off: A Game Inspired by Values at Play.” In Mary Flanagan & Helen Nissenbaum (Eds.), Values at play in digital games. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Learning, and Knowledge

Schrier, K. (2019). The future of crowdsourcing through games. In J. Hunsinger, Klastrup & Allen, Eds., Second International Handbook of Internet Research. Springer.


Schrier, K. (2018). Guiding questions for game-based learning. In D. Gibson,
International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education, Springer.


Hammer, J., To, A., Schrier, K., Bowman, S., & Kaufman, G. (2018). “Role-playing games and learning.” In S. Deterding & J. Zagal (Eds). Role-Playing Game Studies: Transmedia Foundations. New York, NY: Routledge.

Schrier, K. (2016). Discussant’s reply to Sonia Fizek’s “All work and no play: Are games becoming the factories of the future?” First-Person Scholar. 09 March 2016


Role-playing and Cross-Platform Storytelling


Schrier, K. (2020). Would you kindly parent? Parenting, caretaking, and love in games, In Lindsay Grace (Ed.), Love and Affection in Games, A Design Primer. Taylor and Francis.


Schrier, K. (2019). Harlan Ellison. In M. Levy & F. Mendlesohn (Eds.) Aliens in popular culture. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood/ABC-Clio.


Schrier, K. (2018). BioShock as the infinite parent: Parenting and play in the BioShock series. Jessica Aldred and Felan Parker (Eds.) New Perspectives on BioShock. McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Bowman, S. & Schrier, K. (2018). “Players and their characters.” In S. Deterding & J. Zagal (Eds). Role-Playing Game Studies: Transmedia Foundations. New York, NY: Routledge.


Schrier, K., Torner, E., & Hammer, J. (2018). “Worldbuilding in Role-playing
games” In S. Deterding & J. Zagal (Eds). Role-Playing Game Studies: Transmedia Foundations. New York, NY: Routledge.


Schrier, K. (2017). Foldit. 100 Greatest Video Games. Rowman & Littlefield.


Schrier, K. (2017). Fable series. 100 Greatest Video Games. Rowman & Littlefield.


Schrier, K. (2017). I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. 100 Greatest Video Game Characters. Rowman & Littlefield.


Schrier, K. (2016). Guest editorial preface. Special issue on transmedia and games. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations. 8(2). April – June 2016.


© 2023 by Kat Schrier

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